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Cowboy Chords: Suspensions

Writer: Jay EuDalyJay EuDaly

Final Lesson on Cowboy Chords

This will be the last lesson on Cowboy Chords. Next month I’ll make the whole series available, 15 lessons worth, all bundled up nice and neat into one PDF download!

In the meantime, this final lesson in the series is on suspensions, or the, “sus” chord.

A major chord is said to be suspended when the 3rd is raised, that is, suspended. The correct nomenclature would be “Csus.” However, you’ll see it written as “Csus4” quite often. I’m not going to explain why “Csus4” is a wrong way to notate a suspension; my only point here is that, in function, those two things mean the same thing.

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Blogs Published Since Last Newsletter

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Cowboy Chords: Sandbagging Bar Chords: Free lesson: “Sandbagging Bar Chords,” blog links, Tune of the Month and more!


Tune of the Month

This is the title track to my 2006 CD, My Ship.

This is just the way I feel about music, and playing guitar. Playing and listening to music is a way to get to all kinds of places, both outer and inner. I've always loved music - always.

"Music is a universe." - John Coltrane

When I was young, 13 or 14, and I was beginning to play in a band and actually be onstage and even get paid every once in a while, I intuitively knew that almost everything good that was going to come to me in my life would be because of it. For one thing, it was my ticket out of pencil-necked geekdom! No matter HOW geeky you are, if you play guitar, you're cool! I looked around and I saw that the world was full of pencil-necked geek musicians mated with super models. I said to myself, "Self, THIS (play the guitar) is what I want to DO!"

Now, it's true that some bad stuff has happened as a result of my chosen profession, but at this point in my life, the good so far dwarfs the bad that it's no contest! For one thing, my music played a major role in snagging me a one-in-a-million woman!

You can see an online lyrics and chord chart (including fretboard diagrams) here if you want.


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Vertical Truth - Chordal Mechanisms for the Guitar

© 2013 by Jay EuDaly

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