Announcing the launch of Unit 7: 9th Chords!
This launch is an opportunity for you to obtain a complete, methodical approach to learning 9th chords.
I'm Jay EuDaly and I've been a full-time professional guitarist since the early seventies. I've done an estimated 10,000 shows since 1969. Currently, even though I'm "semi-retired" I still average 2-4 gigs a week, but I get to take a nap most days. That's a beautiful thing because I spent decades being sleep-deprived!
As an educator, I've taught anywhere from 50 to 90 students a week since the mid-eighties. "Semi-retired" also means I now teach 32 personal students a week instead of 80.
I have successfully prepared students for the University of Missouri Kansas City's Conservatory of Music, Berklee College of Music in Boston, Guitar Institute of Technology in Los Angeles, and the Jazz program at Miami University. Some of my former students have landed gigs in major label bands touring and recording on a national and international level. I have former students in music industry jobs in New York, Nashville, and LA.
I’m really excited about this upcoming release! It represents kind of a pause-and-take-stock moment in the process of redesigning my guitar method book (Vertical Truth: Chordal Mechanisms for the Guitar) into a format that’s intended for the online environment. In other words, as self-teaching as possible.
The original book was never intended to be such; it requires a qualified instructor to apply it to each student. It’s really little more than an outline.
I’ve been working to get to this point for 10 years - since 2014. It has been a major undertaking. You can read about the beginnings of it in The Fun Has Not Yet Gone Away.
If you've read my recent 3-blog series on John Elliott, you'll know that this is his method, albeit modified/applied to the guitar and the internet environment. John produced many world-class musicians (Pat Metheny, Larry Williams, Bobby Watson and others). The method is unique, and superior to anything out there, in my opinion. My time studying with John made a HUGE difference in my own playing in a relatively short period of time.
So...if you're fuzzy on 9th chords, I can help you with that!
This lesson series is a PDF download and will answer your questions. Check out the Table of Contents:

25 lessons
58 pages
214 fretboard diagrams
73 notation examples
35 videos
Yeah, it's a crap-ton of stuff. But I take you through it, one step at a time.
If you follow instructions and are patient, persistent, and do the drilling just like I demonstrate in the videos, you'll wind up knowing more about playing 9th chords than many pro guitar players - in just a few months, not years.
I've guided many, many students through this material, and I can guide you through it as well. Check out what some of my students and former students have to say:
Unit 7: 9th chords has helped me bridge a lot of gaps in the way I think about the fretboard. Over the past few years I had found myself stuck in repetitive voicings and chord progressions resulting in lack of motivation to pick up the guitar. This unit helped me establish relationships between chords and scales that has brought more interest to my playing through new pathways to take melody and harmony. The concepts I learned strengthened my ability to identify more complex chords by ear, removing the mystery when approaching new songs. Unit 7: 9th Chords has brought a new freedom to playing guitar and I would highly recommend it to any player who is stuck, or wants to take the mystery out of complex chords to take your playing to the next level. - Nick Duchene
Jay’s approach to 9th chords in Unit 7 is the best I’ve seen and material you won’t find anywhere else. Even if you’re not a jazz guitarist, Unit 7 will increase your knowledge of the neck and expand your playing abilities. I highly recommend! It’s amazing stuff! - Bill Foster
This method of guitar study is the best I know. Through slow and deliberate drilling your playing and understanding of the instrument and music will improve. This method has changed how I understand music and has set a clear plan on how to become a complete musician. - Sean Casserly
I've had several guitar teachers and Jay EuDaly's Master Guitar Course [Vertical Truth: Chordal Mechanisms for the Guitar] is easily the most systematized and effective way to learn guitar that I have had. His entire program is very well laid out and thorough and allows you to move through and learn each part sequentially at your own pace without going back and forth, covering old ground or the like which inevitably lead to my abilities plateauing with other teachers. Unit 7 on 9th chords is essential for progressing even further with guitar. I highly recommend it. - Andrew Syrios
Unit 7 is a continuation and development of what’s learned in Chapters 5 and 6 of Jays’ Vertical Truth. With particular emphasis on how this note can be played “altered” using Open and Closed positions, Unit 7 adds color to each chord. As with Jay’s other units, you’ll learn how to play these throughout the Key Circle. If you’re looking to further your chordal vocabulary, this is a must! - Brian Manning
I always call Vertical Truth my guitar bible. I studied with Jay up until I was 25 years old. He helped expand my musical vocabulary in so many ways and therefore expand my creative palate. Not only did Jay help my guitar playing immensely but everything I learned also helped with my songwriting, expanded my knowledge of voicings, chords, arpeggios, scales, etc which can be applied to any instrument. Studying with Jay is the most complete guitar/advanced music education one can find anywhere. - Evan Dease
Here's a short promo so you can check out how the PDF looks:
You think 9th chords probably aren't used in the music you like? You're probably wrong! Blues, Country, Rock, Jazz, Pop, Funk, R&B, Soul and more all use 9th chords.
Altered 9ths? One example: Jimi Hendrix introduced a generation of guitar players to the Dominant Sharp 9 chord - covered in Lesson 10.
How about playing a 12-Bar Blues using 9th chords? It's easy! Here's a quick lesson:
You can download a PDF that goes with this video HERE - no cost or further commitment required.
On December 2nd, 2024, the pre-launch sequence of emails will begin wherein I'll give you more detail about what all is involved in this lesson series. I'll give away a ton of stuff, available to all, but you can be sure it will barely scratch the surface of what's in this lesson series; trust me when I say that I'm in no danger of giving away the store.
The emails will also be published as blogs at, but if you want in on the PDF download, well...that will be accessible to SITE MEMBERS ONLY!
For more information on site membership see Why Become a Site Member?
I hope to see you on December 2nd for the prelaunch festivities right here at!
P.S. On a personal note, I love the material in this Unit! It is a huge bang-for-the-buck! I use it constantly in my own playing. If you go through the material and actually do the drilling, I guarantee you'll notch up your guitar playing by a quantum leap!
If you're interested, here are some previously-published blogs on various aspects of 9th chords.
How about 5 MORE lessons?
The 5-Lesson Foundational Series teaches the Circle of Keys as an organizational mechanism by which you ensure that whatever you learn is drilled in every key in all possible positions. It also gives you a method to find any note, anywhere, without memorizing note names on every string. That is a beautiful thing! Most of what I teach presupposes it.
You can download the 5-Lesson Foundational Series right here with no further obligation or commitment. Click on the link above or picture below to get your PDF:
Sign up as a Master Guitar School site member - and get access to dozens of site-based lessons, a monthly newsletter that contains a brand-new lesson, and DEEP discounts on lesson series downloads - plus more!
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